LEGO Education 45002 Budowa Maszyn
An ideal introduction to science and technology, the set includes four screwdrivers and integrated screws, as well as lots of versatile elements such as reels, hooks and scoops. Tech Machines is designed to develop fine motor skills and for exploring machines and engineering skills. The two inbox activity starter cards and teacher booklet that are included help to show how the set can also be used for exploring idea communication and listening skills, and for discussing social roles and responsibilities.Key Learning Values:Exploring technology and design through emerging engineering skillsInvestigating functions of machinesCommunicating ideas and plans and listening to othersExploring social roles and responsibilitiesInvestigating problem solvingDeveloping increasingly complex fine motor skillsAge Mark: 3+Brick Type: LEGO® DUPLO®Piece count: 95
LEGO: Klocki
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